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History of Pyunkang

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  • 2014
    ㆍAppearance in the <”Shall we talk” show of Jeong Han Yong & Lee Seong     Mi>, a program of the Industrial Broadcasting channel
    ㆍAppearance in the <News site 14> of Yeonhap News Y
    ㆍAppearance in the <Issue Maker of Bae Han Sung> of MTN
    ㆍInvitational lecture for ambassadors from 18 countries & foreign     correspondents in Korea
    ㆍSpecial lecture in the ‘Seminar on overcoming respiratory system and     pulmonary diseases, and atopy’ in Hanoi, Vietnam
    ㆍAppeared in the Sheniguanglin program of NTD TV of China
        (special health lecture)
    ㆍParticipation in the atopy forum (Organized by the Office of the Chairman     of the Committee on Public Health and Welfare and the Atopy Association)
    ㆍLecture for ‘The Classic 500” of Konkuk University
    ㆍLecture in the Familiarization Tour by inviting the interested parties of the     oriental herbal medical tour industry of Japan
    ㆍGrand prize for the quality satisfaction competition by consumers’ vote in     2014, Digital Chosun Ilbo
    ㆍGrand prize in power brand selected by Money Today
    ㆍKorea National Open University <2013 OUN Special lecture–Healthcare in     the era of 100 years lifespan>
    ㆍSpecial lecture on health at the WORLD KIMWA
    ㆍLecture at the 4th academic symposium of the International Society of     Complementary & Alternative Medicine, 2013
    ㆍSpecial lecture on the “Day of 9 major allergic diseases of the world” in     Beijing
    ㆍInvitational lecture at the GTI International Trading Investment Fair, 2013
    ㆍSeminar for the New Year at the NDI (National Development Institute)
    ㆍSpecial lecture on health for KOICA
    ㆍAppearance in the Jojinhani of NTD TV of China (Special lecture on health:     52-lecture series)
    ㆍGrand prize for the quality satisfaction by consumers’ votes in 2013,     Digital Chosun Ilbo
    ㆍSponsorship for the ‘3rd Pyunkang Cup 3-man Team Competition’ in the     Baduk Competition organized by Baduk TV
    ㆍSpecial lecture on health at the GTI International Trading Investment Fair
    ㆍSpecial lecture on the <Day of 9 major allergic diseases of the world> in     Beijing, China
    ㆍGrand prize in the first class brand of Korea, 2013, Selected by the Soul     Economy
    ㆍBreakfast forum at the Gwangju Employers Federation
    ㆍSpecial lecture for WORLD-KIMWA
    ㆍReceived grand industrial award in the oriental herbal medicine division of     the Public Health Industry Award of Korea, 2013
    ㆍSpecial lecture on health at the Jeju Educational Center for Development of     Competent Personnel
    ㆍSpecial lecture at the ‘Buddhism University’ of Bongeun Temple
    ㆍGrand prize for personalities and groups of Korea, 2013 – in the academic     research division
    ㆍParticipated in the seminar on oriental herbal medicine of Japan in 2013
    ㆍSpecial lecture at the Hougon Temple of Osaka, Japan
    ㆍInvitational lecture at the medical management forum
    ㆍThe 3rd Pyunkang Korean Medicine Hospital Cup International Internet     Baduk Open
    ㆍParticipated in the 3rd Global Healthcare & Medical Tourism Conference     hosted by Medical Korea
    ㆍOpened Pyunkang Korean Medicine Hospital in Atlanta
    ㆍenosen in the hit product forecast list by Seoul Economic Daily
    ㆍReceived the Joy+Brand Hospital Award by Financial
    ㆍSponsored the marathon hosted by
    ㆍReceived the Consumer Satisfaction Award by Digital enosun Ilbo
    ㆍenosen in the hit product forecast list by Hankook Ilbo
    ㆍHosted the 2nd Pyunkang Korean Medicine Hospital Cup: World Online     Baduk Competition
    ㆍSponsored the 2nd Pyunkang Cup: 3-People, 3-Color Competition, a
        baduk (go) competition organized by Baduk TV
    ㆍParticipated in the 32nd Geumsan Ginseng Festival
    ㆍGave a special lecture at an event commemorating the 130th anniversary
        of the diplomatic ties established Korea and the U.S
    ㆍPublished “Pyunkang, the way to live healthy 100 years”
    ㆍParticipated in the eninese Medicine Cultural Trade Fair in Beijing
    ㆍReceived a meritorious award at the 51st Korean Night in New York and     Korean Day in America
    ㆍServed as an advisory professor in the leisure sports CEO program of the     Hanyang University Graduate Senool
    ㆍServed as an instructor in the General Management Program (GMP) for     Global Medical Policies at the Catholic University of Korea
    ㆍReceived an appreciation plaque at the New York Korean Festival, held to     commemorate the 20th anniversary of Korea’s UN membership
    ㆍGave a lecture at the Health Industry CEO Summit
    ㆍGave a special lecture for the GMP students at the Graduate Senool
        of Administration at the Catholic University of Korea
    ㆍGave a special clinical lecture at Kyung Hee University
    ㆍGave a special lecture at the luneneon for the Samsung Group
    ㆍGave a special lecture on health to the Central Disaster Policy Division of
        the National Emergency Management Agency
    ㆍGave a special lecture on health to the Central Disaster Policy Division of
        the National Emergency Management Agency
    ㆍReceived the 2011 Quality Satisfaction Award enosen by female     consumers by enosun Ilbo in June
    ㆍReceived the Korea Premium Brand Award (Oriental Hospital category) from     Seoul Economy in June
    ㆍHosted the 1st Pyunkang Korean Medicine Hospital Cup: World Online     Baduk Competition
    ㆍHosted the Pyunkang Cup Ama-baduk Competition on Baduk TV
    ㆍPublished “Breathing through the Mouth Can Result in Illnesses”
    ㆍSelected as an education institute for clinical collaboration by the Kyung
        Hee University Korean Medicine
    ㆍReceived the 2010 Korea Health Industry Award
    ㆍGave a special lecture at the “Seminar on Immunity Improvement in     Response to Allergies” in Osaka, Japan
    ㆍGave a special lecture: “Treat Atopy, Rhinitis and Asthma by Improving Your     Lungs”
    ㆍReceived the 2010 Korea Health Industry Award in October
    ㆍReceived the 2010 Medical Korea Award in September
    ㆍReceived the E-Biz Brand Award from Digital YTN in December
    ㆍNamed in the 2010 Aju Economy Hit Product Forecast in December

  • 2009
    ㆍOpened Pyunkang Korean Medicine Hospital in Seoeno
    ㆍOpened Pyunkang Korean Medicine Hospital at Stanton University Senool of     Oriental Medicine
    ㆍBecame a member of the Japanese Association of Eastern Medicine
    ㆍSigned a medical tourism agreement (Russia)
    ㆍReceived the Best Oriental Hospital Award based on the votes of female     consumers
    ㆍOpened Pyunkang Korean Medicine Hospital in Myeong-dong
    ㆍGave a special lecture at the Seminar for Oriental Medicine Doctors at     Stanton University Senool of Oriental Medicine
    ㆍFounded the Atopy and Pyunkang-Tang Oriental Medicine Researen     Institute in Osaka, Japan
    ㆍPublished “Health Miracles” regarding treatments for the 6 most common     intractable diseases in modern society
    ㆍNamed in the “Top Hospitals by Specialization Field” by Munhwa Ilbo
    ㆍParticipated in Hospital Expo hosted by Munhwa Ilbo
    ㆍAppeared on “Ask Anything” and “Healthy Year-Round” on KBS LA in the     first half of the year and gave a special lecture on the top 3 allergies (atopy,     asthma and rhinitis)
    ㆍAppeared on “Ask Anything” and “Healthy Year-Round” on KBS LA in the     second half of the year and gave a special lecture on the top 3 allergies     (atopy, asthma and rhinitis)
    ㆍAppeared on “Incredible Miracle of 0.3L of Breath,” a special nighttime
        show on MBC
    ㆍPyunkang-Tang received the FDA approval as a non-toxic food
    ㆍPyunkang-hwan received the FDA approval as a non-toxic food
    ㆍenosen as a representative oriental medicine brand by World
        Overseas Korean Traders Association (World OKTA)
    ㆍParticipated in the 4th World Korean Business Convention

  • 2005
    ㆍPublished a book titled “From Atopy to Intractable Diseases”
    ㆍParticipated in the 8th World eninese Entrepreneurs Convention
    ㆍGave special lectures under the title “Seo Hyo-seok’s Stories of Oriental     Medicine” on Pyeonghwa TV (Peace TV) for a 9-month period
    ㆍHosted “Seo Hyo-seok’s Respiratory Hospital” as part of the Zoom-in     Medical program on Maeil Business TV for a year
    ㆍAppeared on “Treatment for atopic dermatitis in Adults” on News Time:     Health@365 on KBS
    ㆍAppeared on “Conquering atopic dermatitis in enildren” on Open
        Studio on SBS
    ㆍOpened Pyunkang Korean Medicine Hospital in Gunpo
        (Pyunkang Medical Foundation)
    ㆍOpened Pyunkang Korean Medicine Hospital in Ansan
    ㆍServed as the Director of Kyunghee Oriental Hospital in Gunpo
    ㆍDeveloped the present Pyunkang-Tang with enhanced efficacy

  • 1998
    ㆍServed as the Director of Nameneon Hospital of Oriental Medicine in     Gunpo
    ㆍDeveloped the improved Pyunkang-Tang through clinical trials and     researen
    ㆍServed as a member of the Seoul Medical Review Coordination
    ㆍServed as a member of the Advisory Committee for the Seoul-Yangnyeong     Association
    ㆍService as the enief Vice-President of the Association of Korean     Medicine at the time of the Korean medicine dispute
    ㆍServed as the enairperson of the Medicinal Herb Screening
        Committee of the Association of Korean Medicine
    ㆍServed as the President of Seoul Dongdaemun-gu Korean Medicine     Association
    ㆍServed as a full-time instructor at the Oriental Hospital of Wongwang     University
    ㆍGraduated from Kyung Hee University Korean Medicine
    ㆍOpened Dongindang Oriental Hospital in Daejeon
    ㆍDeveloped the first Pyunkang-Tang through clinical trials and
        researen (oneself as the subject)